Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Once again I was at the bookstore at Serendra. Browsing under the Romance section, looking for another Vampire Novel by Lyndsay Sands, unsuccessfully. I tuned to the Fiction selection behind me. There I found this Book Cover that caught my eyes.

The Book Cover had me at awe.

With the bold colors of florescent pink and canary yellow and a girl holding a guitar, I took the book out of its shelve. Turned the pages to chapter one, reading the first few paragraphs, I found it to be amusing, poetically described, and sophisticated.

Right now, I’m almost half done reading the Novel. I expected to finish reading overnight, but I was challenged by the writer’s poetic writing style. The writer’s vivid description details the story in a elegiac approached of writing. The paragraphs are constructed in a poetic manner, that I am having a hard time understanding what the Writer, Lethem is pertaining too since I’m used to reading Novels by Writers such as Nicholas Sparks, Sophie Kinsella, Stephenie Meyer, and Lyndsay Sands, who are all easier to decipher.

Reading “You Don’t Love Me Yet” is my first in this form of style. Lethem also uses a lot of profound words in the Novel, which makes me utilize my Oxford Dictionary often. I keep a stash of the words that I encounter in the Dictionary, for future usage, Hopefully for my blogging.

The story of the Novel gets twisted, compared to the back cover that explains the novel’s plot. The story became eerily disturbing at the part where “the complainer”, is not the Band’s Lead singer, Matthew, who is your typical Rock Star idol and Lucinda’s ex-boyfriend in the band, and that “the complainer” who looks like an old sexual unattractive groin, who Luncinda fell in love with. Ironically, “the complainer” is the source of Lucinda’s inspiration for their break up song, which I will soon find out the mainspring of the break up song, once I finish reading the novel. I hope Lucinda will be back with Matthew towards the end of the story, rather than being single which I will find pathetic.


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