Monday, August 11, 2008
Its was raining cats and dogs that cold Saturday night. My sister who is still recovering form flu decided to stop taking her dreaded medications in favor for the legendary SMB Light…
Earlier that night…
I was in the shower in a hurry to get myself cleaned. I over heard my Amah arguing with my Achie to stay home. On her defense, Achie reasoned out to Amah to just let her go and have her SMB weekend at peace. Knowing my Achie, she must, in any way, gotta have her SMB weekend nights accomplished by any means.
Dressing up quickly with hardly time to blow dry my hair, I rushed out my room while putting my hair into a knot and balancing my bag on my shoulder. On my heels, I was between walking and running. I hopped on the stairs, out the door, and into the Van. Catching my breath I settled myself on the seat. I popped the light open, pulled my compact from my sling bag and checked my face in the small mirror I had with me, inspecting the rushed makeup I put awhile back ago.
I decided to treat myself a drink from Starbucks. We dropped Achie off first at Four by Force, since her friend was already waiting, while I with Jamon made a detour to the nearest Starbucks Store around the area.
Chitti-chatting and drinking, Me, Achie and a friend, started to talk giving out our own point with the subject that I cannot fully say what’s it about, since it’s a very delicate matter (as of now), concerning critical issues. The height of the argument was between Me, Achie and her Friend; Jamon was just there drinking and eating BBQ’s and listening to three of us squabbling.
Each one of us has a reasonable point. My Achie was hurt, as she tried expressing her feelings while doing her best to understand the other party’s side. On the other hand, the friend beside me expressed gratitude towards my Achie’s concern while explaining to me the issues on the matter. Hoping that it will subside soon, so we can move on with our lives. On the contrary, I’m not much focused on the distant future but more on wanting/needing to be “comforted” right here, right now.
Before saying anything more with the topic. I like to say to the readers who are part of the issue. Its not my intention to write and stir things up. This is just my opinion. I highly doubt, that it will come to that point. But anyways, as early as now, I would like to apologize if I do, offend anyone. Like I said, its just my point of view and I don’t intend to displease anyone saying anything more with the topic. .My point of view: When one is hurting and vulnerable, I believe that it’s best to agree initially with the person, even though he or she might be wrong in ratio with the problem. We all come to learn that not all humans could absorb the rational reason behind the problem’s situation. So initially, to gain the person’s confidence and for the person to feel that friends are empathizing with the situation, I think its best to just shut up, listen and nod, till the person comes to his or her senses to think rationally about the problem. In this way, comforting will be held on its place and will not misinterpret comfort with attacking. It’s one way to reach out. Some of you might find this to be a hypocritical way of solving things. I am not saying this will solve the problem. I am merely giving out my thoughts of the comforting matter. I think with regards to solving the problem, logical reasoning can be injected when the person is already comforted, and with his/her mind is in its rational state.
Labels: diary, personal life
@LittleDev: I know best! Miss you!