Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Apple will be launching its next next generation iPod for 2008. Although at the main Apple Page, no new news or whatsoever is being mentioned regarding the upcoming iPod.
I guess it is a surprise!
Rumors has it:
- The latest iPod will be launched later this year.
- The latest iPod is a revamp of the next generation of iPods, to be inclined with the iTouch/ iPhone models.
- The prices of the next iPod will be lower, hence the price reference point of the 3G iPhones.
• The screen of the latest iPod will be longer (almost the same as iTouch).
• The screen will have a concave design.
• The body will be slimmer, compared to the chunky iPod Nanos, and it will have more of a rounded body structure.
• Click wheel, not touchscreen.
Plus: iTunes will be having its “big” update- iTunes 8.0 with new features and will support Blue-Ray.
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But, lets wait and see with the new nano spec's. I think the selling point of the new ipod is the "price". Its said to be cheaper compared to the previous ipod prices.
But with the right budget, I would go for the 32GB iPhone, above all choices. (n_n)