Tuesday, January 04, 2011

2010 Holiday Experience

My 2010 Christmas Vacation is one of the most hectic, fun, & memorable holiday vacation that I have.

Since my Aunt Bet, cousin Ryan, & Alex arrived, no day goes to waste. From morning till night, we are packed of things to do, places to go, foods to eat. They arrived 21st of December and went home on 1st of January. I started my vacation on the 23rd and spent most of my time with the Lipio family going to Tiange at Greenhills, Pet village at Tiendesitas, drinking booze at High Street- Fort, snorkeling to the coral gardens of Coron- Palawan and enjoying our sun bathing to the beach shore of Malcapuya Island. It was a very tiring experience but worth all the sleepless night I had.

Untill now, I still haven't gotten the sleep I was hoping to do over the holidays or completely buy all of my Christmas present to give. I'm still missing 4 gifts to office mates and friends.

Oh before I forget to mention; on the flight to Coron, Palawan- I won a Cebu Pacific basket that unfortunately my sister lost it when we arrived at our lodge. Curse to the person who took it! I bet that its the same guests that checked in with us, who took my basket. There were only 3 winners and 2 of them came from us. It was a "show me" game and the host ask for an item, and who ever showed it first gets to win the basket. Alex won for showing the flight pamphlet and I got mine by showing a cigarette. The 3rd one, i forgot what "show me" item was asked, but the person who won didn't stay in the same lodge as ours. Anyways, Alex left his basket with me and its in my closet together with my sunblock. suntan, and eco-bag that i use in the beach.

From L-R: Ryan, Aunt Bet, Alex

Lipio Clan

I'm looking forward to the time when All of the Lipio Clan will all be together - Celebrating someone's birthday, Summer vacation, or even next year's Holiday Vacation.



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