Tuesday, January 04, 2011

2011 Outlook

ONE: Graduate School

18 months of studying Management in Entrepreneurship at Ateneo Graduate School, Rockwell Center. School will officially start this February and I have 3 modules to accomplish for the whole school year. I'll be studying and working at the same time. I really really hope that I'll be able to enjoy and adapt to the hectic schedule that I will be juggling. I won't be leaving my work as part of Sales & Marketing, I'll be incorporating being a GM and will practicing the learnings on my future studies.

I really hope and pray that I will swiftly achieve and put into practice what I will be learning in school and be able to incorporate the principals/ values to our own company. I hope to prove to my Dad that choosing me is not a mistake.

TWO: Waking Up in the Morning

The first challenge that I encounter in my daily routine. I can't sleep early, no matter how I force myself. I hope my Classes will start 10AM.

THREE: Nicotine Cut-Back

Since Ateneo is a Smoke Free School and I'm pretty sure that my classes will be held on the 4th floor; I hope that my smoking habit will be controllable and (cross fingers) lessen.

FOUR: Friends

Looking forward to meet new set of friends who I can hang out or (maybe) do business with.

FIVE: Year Ending

We shall see....


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