Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Changing Slider Bar of iPhone

As promised, I will give a brief tutorial on how to customize iPhone by using DiskAid for Mac and this will also serve as my personal notes (for future references). There are also other work-around on customizing iPhones with the use of Fugu or Cyberduck. The process is almost similar, the interface is different. I personally prefer to use DiskAid, since it can connect iPhones to Mac, without the presences of Wifi signal.

So far, I have SSHed the following customization:
- Sprinboard Theme (Wallpapaer/Icons/ Font)
- Slider Bar (Unlock/ Shut Off)
- Sounds (UISounds/ Text tones/ Ringtones)
- Signal Bar (changing color bars)
- Carried Logo
- Wifi Bar
- Busy Loader

Before we start iPhone must be jailbroken and updated, and initial apps like Cydia (Springboard/ Winterboard ) and Installer must be installed. The themes, slider, loader, signal bars, and others customization will be mostly shown at the Springboard/ Winterboard apps, where most of the customization will be listed and selected to use.

Lets start first with the simpliest customization.

Your iPhone’s Slider Bar will look from this

To This

Changing the Slider Bar & Power Bar:

First things first, have a 48x47 icon in “.png” file in three duplicate copies ready. This will replace the default silver sliders of your iPhone.

Download one Slider Bar from Cydia. Any Slider Bar will do, or download the “Flower Slider”. This will help you make things easy as you can Copy and Paste the file names and also, you will be Copying the file “Thumbs.db” to make the Slider Bars Structure complete.

Take a look at the image below. This will be you your guide, like a map on where you will be working around/ adding the Slider’s structure in the HD of your iPhone.

Make sure that the “Media Folder”, located at the lower left part of the DiskAid window is selected in “Root Folder”. By selecting this, a pop-up window will appear – just click “Go Ahead”.

This is important: Make SURE that the spelling of the file names are exactly the same as the original file names, except for the “Slider Bar Folder”, in this case I will name mine “Cookie Slider”.

Library> Themes> Cookie Slider (Slider Bar Folder)> Bundles>> 4 Files

4 Files: Must have the same file names as shown at the Image below


From your Mac, create a Folder and Place the three .png Icons and the “Thumbs.db” file. Change each of the 3 .png Icons into:
bottombarknobgray.png (icon 1)
bottombarknobgreen.png (icon 2)
bottombarknobred.png (icon 3)

Now, you are ready to Copy and Paste the 4 Flies in your iPhone with the use of DiskAid.

When Pasting: Always select the DiskAid (DiskAid must be the active window). Make your windows organizes like in the picture below. Drag the files One by One. Selecting all files and dragging everything will only copy one file from the Folder to DiskAid.

When your done copying all the 4 files:

- Disconnect the iPhone from Mac.
- Open Springboard/Winterboard App and select the Folder Name of the Slider by Checking the Slider Folder.

- Press Home button

Your iPhone will go into a “Soft Respring” Mode for a few seconds and after, the Slider Bar should change into your very own personal Slider Bar Icon.



  1. Anonymous said...
    Great blog, have enjoyed the vast amount of info. Especially interested how you can change the unlock slider text, if it can be used with diskaid or do i have to use ftp? my fone is 3G australian version, so i am guessing 2nd gen.
    Valerie Lipio said...
    thanks you Hiromar! I own a Classic iPhone. I'm not sure about the FTP. But You can also use Cyber Duck or Fugu for Mac OS to connect your iPhone. I'm not familiar with FTP. I like DiskAid, cause you can access the internal folders of iPhone directly (w/o Wifi), unlike CyberDuck/Fugu, you need Wifi to gain iphone connection. (n_n)
    Anonymous said...
    no worries, actually got it done pretty easily. now i am looking into video ringtones, but it looks lke i am coming to a dead end, none of the apps installed come up in my phone, and i cant find them in diskaid either...
    have managed to put my own ringtone in, but not video ringtone.
    Valerie Lipio said...
    VideoTones, Do you have Cydia installed in your iPhone? If your iPhone is Jailbroken, you can download video tones at Cydia. Its called MVTones or V Wallpaper. They have VideoTones selections for downalod. You can also add/edit the videotones via SSH.
    Anonymous said...
    i did all that, but the vid rings are pretty bad, and i cant seem to be able to transfer any vids thru diskaid onto the iphone. maybe i need to import some strings, the files show up in the root in diskaid but not on the phone...
    msn inunison70@hotmail

    i have cyber duck but i cant connect fone to it...
    i used cuteFTP mac which connected but didnt show the the phone in its directory...
    Anonymous said...
    i did it, edited the music vid in iMovie, then put it to desktop and put it in the right v Wallpaper folder. but the video is stretched on the iphone screen, so will play with the format a little to fine tune.
    Valerie Lipio said...
    Cyberduck's username/password is root/alpine. Its also the same with using Fugu. Connection setting si SFTP. =)
    Anonymous said...
    ye, got that already, still dont work. but dont need if we can use diskaid.
    Valerie Lipio said...
    yep. Me too, its more useful =)
    Unknown said...
    my iphone 3g was unlocked with blackra1n and it worked fione. i can SSH and what not, but i just followed this tutorial step by step and it didnt work. i used cydia to install winterboard and changed the slider in winterboard, hit the home button and nothing. any suggestions?
    Glen said...
    Download New Full Version DiskAid
    Download DiskAid Full said...
    Great blog, have enjoyed the vast amount of info. Especially interested how you can change the unlock slider text, if it can be used with diskaid or do i have to use ftp? my fone is 3G australian version, so i am guessing 2nd gen.

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