Sunday, June 05, 2011

It's hard to get by

Today my Angkong was brought to the hospital. I've been with him since birth. He is like my father. He is not perfect. In fact he is a very strong person. He is the type of person who you say "matalas Ang dila". When we learned he has CA back on 2004 or 06, thing ls started to change. His personality change. He was nicer and less sunget.

Going back to my First sentence. When he was on the car, and I was looking into his eyes. I never felt so sad looking into someone. I wanted to help. Give him a part of me so that he will be the same Angkong before he left for Baguio. I mean, no matter what or how people share their experiences. It is nothing like going thru the process. I know that I should be stronger and ready. Since I live with him. But I feel that it's nothing like it. I don't think people could be ready. I don't think I will be ready.

Sometimes I wish that I don't have a heart.


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