Thursday, November 06, 2008

NowPlaying App 1.0.1

On your MAC OS X…

Let's say you are working on your “Spaces 4” with Pages (or whatever you wanted to work on to), while iTunes is playing on “Spaces 1”. Suddenly iTunes is playing a song that you can’t remember who sang it or let's say, the Title of the song. This is where “NowPlaying” comes in handy. Instead of going to the “Spaces 4” to “Spaces 1” where iTunes is, “NowPlaying” will provide you a Song Title, Artist, and even Duration of the song being played right at your very own Menu Bar.

By installing “NowPlaying” it will automatically integrate Title/Artist/Duration into your Menu Bar, not taking up space on your Desktop. It’s a very simple app that give you a nifty additional add on to your iTunes features and it can save you time roaming from one “Spaces” to the other, especially if you have more than 4 Spaces.

Once again, NowPlayig App is available at Apple Site> Downloads>iPod+iTunes Section. Or click Here. Also, its for free!

Here are some Screenshots on how it basically works:


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