Thursday, November 20, 2008

Rainbow Bridge

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

When you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Author Unknown

In the loving memory of my pet Brandon, who was born on June 14, 2001 and passed away on November 20, 2008.

We will miss you Bandong!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

iPhone Nano?

There might be new iPhone!

A New iPhone is said to be launched this Holiday Season or in the year 2010. It said to be a diminutive version of the iPhone. I don’t know yet if it will be having the exact same spec’s of the original iPhone but it will be ¾ its size.

Rumor #1

For this Christmas Season, Apple is developing or has developed a smaller version, or a “slim down” version (as I like to call it) of iPhone. It was said that this iPhone Nano is for the Pay-as-you-go Market. Also, from the same source (GadgetTastic), not only iPhone Nano will be launched, an iPhone Shuffle might be included too.

Rumor #2

I read this info at MacLife Magazine. There are some new Gadgets that Apple is developing to be launched in the year 2010. One of the Gadget will be the iPhone Nano. It didn’t say much information of the iPhone Nano’s specs, except its size.

Other new Gadgets will be the Tablet and Glass Keyboard, which I will be posting soon.

Friday, November 07, 2008


If you are the type who is to lazy to open a book, interested in learning new things, get informations off the net, or even fun listening to Radio Talk Shows or News, Podcast is for you!.

Podcast is a very rich resource through Web Feeds over the World Wide Web or popularly known as "WWW". It comes in two forms, Audio Podcasting and Video Podcasting. It also available for direct download or streaming to your portable devices such as iPods or iPhone or into your PC aka Personal Computer. Some are free to download, while other charge a certain amount, depending on how popular the Podcasting. But Hey! Don't get discourage, there are a lot of Free Podcast available for download.

I like to share my Favorites Podcast available FREE to download at iTunes.

Movie Trailers or Theatrical Trailers

Available on both

Apple Site

iTunes Movie Trailer

Downloads are available for limited Movie trailers. What's nice about it is that you can save it at your itunes and in good quality. They even have HD version for PC and iPod/iPhone/iTouch version for portable devices, depending on our preference.

Apple Quick Tips

A short Video help tips for MAC OS X, demonstrated by the peeps of the Genius Bar. You'll never know what new things you might learn to be more progressive with your MAC Computers.


Video Podcast of the TekZilla Site, that talks about the Tips, Tricks, and shared info of different Applications both WIN and MAC OS.

MAC OS X users, try pressing the combination Keys: Ctrl+Option+Command+8

Who What Wear

A Video Podcast for the Fashionistas!

Fresh Trax

Video Podcast brought to you by ACB News (USA).

Fall Out Boy

Audio Podcast of the Band- FOB. Yes! They now have their own Podcast Talk Show!

The Daily 10's Hollwood Rap-up Podcast

A Video Podcast of ENews in Rap version- Chizmax! New DL every week.

Alternative Addiction Podcast

Audio Podcast of the Alternative Addiction Site. This one is for the Musically inclined peeps.

Sex is Fun

The most popular health Podcast at iTunes. For the more kinky peeps. LoLz!

Thursday, November 06, 2008

NowPlaying App 1.0.1

On your MAC OS X…

Let's say you are working on your “Spaces 4” with Pages (or whatever you wanted to work on to), while iTunes is playing on “Spaces 1”. Suddenly iTunes is playing a song that you can’t remember who sang it or let's say, the Title of the song. This is where “NowPlaying” comes in handy. Instead of going to the “Spaces 4” to “Spaces 1” where iTunes is, “NowPlaying” will provide you a Song Title, Artist, and even Duration of the song being played right at your very own Menu Bar.

By installing “NowPlaying” it will automatically integrate Title/Artist/Duration into your Menu Bar, not taking up space on your Desktop. It’s a very simple app that give you a nifty additional add on to your iTunes features and it can save you time roaming from one “Spaces” to the other, especially if you have more than 4 Spaces.

Once again, NowPlayig App is available at Apple Site> Downloads>iPod+iTunes Section. Or click Here. Also, its for free!

Here are some Screenshots on how it basically works:

Monday, November 03, 2008

MAC vs. PC South Park Style

I was searching for the Microsoft commercial, "I'm a PC" commercial at youTube. I came across this one.

A little MAC humor for the start of the week...

If you are having a hard time to load the video, try the other link here.


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